Unique Lockdown Rewards for Employees Working from Home

5th May 2020

We have all experienced moments in which we wished the world would just stop for a moment to give us a chance to catch up. Our daily work and personal lives, our responsibilities, and the pressure to achieve these each day, can feel overwhelming at times.

Never in a million years would we have thought that the world would, indeed, just stop one day – and yet, here we are, a little over a month into lock-down, fighting a global pandemic. This is not the kind of pause we had imagined, but it is our current reality.

For many, life has changed drastically from one night to another, and we have every reason to refer to it as a “new normal” – one that still feels far from normal. We have been stripped of our freedom, our daily routines in a bid to fight this thing together. Our battle cry: #StayHome.

The Same Stars, Different Realities

We have all gone through a period of adaptation and for some, it has been easier than others. We are all trying to make the best of a bizarre and harrowing situation, supporting one another through virtual visits and entertainment, and even creating room for personal growth.

When we gather on our balconies every night to pay our respects and show our gratitude to local and international health workers and all the other people working the frontline, we feel a great sense of solidarity. These are the moments we get to hear and see this unspoken bond, this distant togetherness. It is incredibly healing and uplifting, seeing as close, human contact and face-to-face conversations are what we miss the most right now. Whenever we take to our windows, gardens, and balconies for the nightly applause, we are all living the same moment, looking upon the same stars. Our indoor realities greatly differ, though. Some people might be going through this lockdown alone and missing the daily interactions with their work colleagues more than those who are already used to the home office. Others might be juggling between home-schooling young children, working from their bedrooms, and keeping agitated teenagers from having meltdowns between business calls. And, pretty much everyone, is likely to be having a hard time concentrating for a range of reasons.

Whether our employees are thriving in the home office or are still finding their groove, we should respect and appreciate that they are all facing different realities. They are doing their best to deliver and to support the company, all whilst dealing with the uncertainties we are all facing. This transition has been taxing, and what we and our employees could all use the most right now, is a break – a mental breather.

Show Your Appreciation & Bring Back the Sparkle to Your Employees’ Lives

By working from home, your employees are ensuring their own safety, that of others and, as such, even the companies’ future.

Things might be slowing down at the moment, but by staying home and healthy, your employees – and others – are more likely to bounce back with twice as much positive energy and determination when things gradually start opening up again. Show your fabulous team that you are thinking of them, that you recognize their lives have been turned upside down and that some days are more challenging than others. Personalised corporate gifts are a wonderful way to relate this message, even more so when they come from our greatest healer: nature. Name a star after your employee and let them know that they are shining just as brightly by rocking their current remote working situation. Instead of a gold star to wear as a badge of honour, gift them a real one they can look up to whenever they are feeling agitated or alone. Looking up at their own star will not only remind them of the work environment and colleagues they have grown so fond of, it will also inspire them to escape their homes for just a moment – albeit in their minds. Standing still to observe and breathe in the beauty of a star will allow them to experience a moment of calm, a moment to collect their thoughts. And its bright, soothing light will keep them looking towards a sparkling future.

Actions Speak Louder than Words

In times like these, it can be difficult to find the right words to express how much we value someone, how much we empathize with their situation. Even when we do find the words, we’re not always sure they truly capture the sincerity of our sentiments.

Sometimes actions are needed to make ourselves feel heard, and others feel respected for the incredible work their doing – and rewarding them with a real star named after them, is one of the most telling gestures you could make.

To order one of our corporate star packages for your employees, head over to this page. Or get in touch with our Corporate Sales team to tailor your perfect package and receive your custom quote today. Drop an email into our team at corporate@star-name-registry.com or give us a call on 08000 23 54 52