Feed Our Frontline

16th April 2020

So as you're aware, the world is in current crisis mode. The Coronavirus has thrown us into a new world of panic, isolation and uncertainty. We have to learn to adapt to a new way which can be scary at most times and challenging, even at Star Name Registry we have taken extra precautions making sure everyone who can work from home does, and the warehouse stays up and running as smoothly as possible so we can get our wonderful star name packages out to customers as best we can

During these times we have seen the worst come out in people, panic buyers, wealthy companies not paying wages and gatherings of people who don’t follow rules and cause unnecessary risk to others. But in despite all the negativity there are a few special cases where some people shine through, and their willingness to help others goes above and beyond.

Today we aren’t here to talk about a registered charity as such but about a woman who has come through this with a helping hand to offer our most prized possession within the UK, our NHS. Lydia Tobenas from Cardiff started by doing a little raffle on Facebook to raise some money to help feed the NHS. As I am sure most of you know, doctors, nurses and a whole host of staff are working super hard to care for all Coronavirus patients as well as the usual illness’ and conditions within their hospital. 9/10 these health care workers are working double shifts and risking their own lives to help care for the sick and vulnerable. Lydia being a health care professional herself, knowing how difficult it was started a small Facebook raffle to be able to raise money and provide food and drink for these amazing people. What started off as a few £100 here and a few £100 there escalated enormously to the point where crates and crates of food and drink were being bought and donated to help feed our frontline. Lydia then created a group called ‘feed the front line’ and has since been raising money and taking food and drink around to lots of different hospitals in and around Cardiff including Landough, Heath Hospital and Rookwood hospital. The success has been huge and people have been very generous. Not only does she raise the money with the raffle, some small part of the donation goes to the winner of the raffle so everyone has a little bit of fun and the frontline are rewarded immensely for their hard work and support.

Lydia, among other amazing volunteers out there are proving that we CAN come together in time of need and help each other where we can. We can support our neighbours and do our little bit, even if its just staying home and protecting out NHS. It just goes to show, not all super heroes wear capes.

If you wish to check out their page and get involve with the raffles please visit here- Feed Our Frontline