Gemini Season

24th May 2019

Well, Aries season was intense... right?! It's time for a breath of fresh air, Gemini Season! Gemini season began on the 21st of May and will last until the 21st of June. Gemini is an air-sign, hence the phrase 'breath of fresh air', the twins are known for their ability to trade information, inspiration and capture content like no other and this Gemini season, it's time to air ourselves out, meet new people, exchange ideas and get clear on our message. Those born during Gemini season have specific strengths, such as being tender, obtrusive, curious, accessible, with the capability to learn novel things and quickly sharing it, but they also have their weaknesses, such as being nervous, incoherent and irresolute. Gemini's have been given the stigma of being 'two-faced' due to their ability to adapt to different social groups depending on the vibe that they get, this makes them popular with any type of person but this can also seem as though they change around others.

In Babylonian astronomy, the two main stars that form the Gemini constellation, Castor and Pollux were known as the Great Twins. The twins were young, handsome and adventurous. In Greek Mythology, Pollux is immortal, and when his brother Castor dies, Pollux is devasated. He begs his father, Zeus, to help him die so that he can be with his brother. Zeus decides that rather than killing Pollux, he would make Castor immortak too so that the two of them could live together forever as the constellation Gemini.

Gemini is visible along the Eastern horizon in mid-August in the morning before sunrise. The best time to observe Gemini at night is overhead during the months of January and February. By April and May, the constellation will be visible soon after sunset in the west. You can choise Gemini as your constellation when you are naming a star on our Star-Name-Registry website! Your name a star will be visible on our star register within 24 hours from ordering via our official star registration form.

Aquarids Meteor Shower

The Eta Aquarids are an annual occurance in the night sky that can occur at any time between April and May. The shower started on April 19th and can be observable till May 28th 2019 and one meteor was spotted by Mark Statham on his CCTV camera. Mark was watching the footage from his surveillance camera and spotted a big light flash of which he though was due to a firework going off at first, but the more he watched, he suspected that this was an object from outere space! He sent it over to the UK Meteor Network who confirmed that it was indeed, a meteor!

Meteor's cause a big flash or streak when they enter the earth's atmosphere as the friction causes them to heat up and eventually burn out.

Starlink Mission

On Thursday, May 23rd, Space X Launced 60 Starlink satellites into space from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. You can click here to watch the launch video. SpaceX’s Starlink is a next-generation satellite network capable of connecting the globe, especially reaching those who are not yet connected, with reliable and affordable broadband internet services.