Shout Out - Children in Wales - Plant Yng Nghymru

22nd November 2019

This week our charity shoutout goes to Children in Wales. This is a charity that focuses solely on providing any individual or organisation who works with children guidance and support on children’s rights and well-being. They cover a wide range of content to empower these practitioners and individuals like parents or guardians to help children understand the world today and the rights they have in it.

The charity covers 18 sections on children’s rights and include information on bullying, poverty and disability, just to name a few. Here are all the sections that the charity covers.

Each section is broken down and gives parents and organisations information on how they can access support and guidance within each option and offers resources and detailed information on policies and training that is available.

The charity wants to emancipate sustainable quality services that children receive and safeguard any person(s) working with them. They even organise events to further resource this.

All children deserve the right to a good education, a safe positive environment and great health, This is the charity’s focal point and without charities like this, more children may be without all the above.

If you wish to donate to this charity, please follow the link below.