Held in our Hearts

17th February 2020

Hello, we are back again with brand new charities that we are working with. This weeks charity shoutout is Held in our Hearts a local UK charity who provide counselling and support for families who have lost their babies.

The charity works close with both mother and father and aims to promote 3 certain values through their work. Empathy, connection and love. They empathise with parents and offer counselling and support for whoever needs it. They connect with parents, offer support meetings and are always there to talk to and are there to start the grieving stage. Finally, they express their love and support for parents with bereavement aftercare, with shared stories from other families alike. The support provided is for both Mum and Dad and the charity offer individual bereavement counselling for all the family.

The charity also provide training for midwives and hospital staff to promote a passionate and supportive environment. They state ‘’ We believe training and education is the key to making sure families receive the best support at the time their baby dies and it is essential that professionals are given the training to explore how best to support parents at this devastating time.’’

We have recently been in touch with Donna Vincent who is a proud member of the charity, who has sadly suffered loss herself loosing her baby in 2018. She has since done raffles and charity events to help raise money and just recently raised £402.68 in a raffle for the charity. This money will be used to help support future parents who go through this tragic experience and help make the loss of a baby a little less devasting.

Not only does amazing charity help parents through this horrible ordeal directly, there website also offers lots of support and links to future fundraising events, poems and quotes to use for funerals and expertise information that can help suffering parents. We are going to be working with them and offering star packages for parents to name a star for their babies. If you have ever experienced this or know someone who has gone through check out their wonderful website and donate if you can.

Click Here To Donate Now